Sophie Jaffe Talks Paragon: “Just what mama needs!”

The Paragon Team

Sophie Jaffe, a Paragon customer, with a short biography

To say that Sophie Jaffe is a busy person is an understatement. Aside from running multiple businesses including the vastly popular nutrition brand Philosophie, she’s also a mother of three, a loving wife, and a trusted friend. In 2019 she took on more business endeavors than ever before, moved her family into a new home, and committed herself to being the type of friend that can be relied on like family. Needless to say, by the end of the year she was feeling stressed and burnt out, so she asked our team at Paragon to help her re-energize her life.

Finding Paragon Vitamins

Sophie detailed in one of her recent blog posts how Paragon has helped “personalize [her] journey to restore [her] energy + stamina which are SUPER important to [her] lifestyle.” After a conversation with our Co-Founder Sam Bock, she came to a better understanding of exactly what we have to offer as a personalized supplement brand. In her own words, “there is no ‘perfect’ diet (AMEN!) because each person’s biochemistry is different according to their makeup and the way they live, so everyone requires a different combination of nutrients to bring their body back to perfect balance.”

How We Helped Sophie

Although Sophie already lived a healthy lifestyle, there was room for improvement and fine tuning. Her test results showed that her DHEA, boron, and potassium levels were low. These three areas are important in maintaining healthy hormones and energy levels, so we began tailoring Sophie’s personalized vitamin packs straight away.

In addition to our optimized plan, Sophie is also enjoying the benefits of our Pro Sport Pack. This helps her hit the gym with more energy, as she’s looking to “get in two strong workouts a week.” This is a great example of how Paragon’s optimized plans can fit perfectly into anyone’s holistic lifestyle. 

Quote that says, "everyone requires a different combination of nutrients to bring their body back to perfect balance"

Seeing the Results

As a new member to the Paragon family, Sophie is only starting to feel the benefits that we have to offer. With our help, she’ll be able to achieve her goal of being her best self, and she’ll have all the energy she needs to run her businesses while being a super-mom to her three little ones. 

To read Sophie’s full blog post on her experience with us, click here.

Q/A with Sophie Jaffe about personalized vitamins

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The Paragon Team